Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Car Accident, Salsa Dancing & 86 Stories To The Top Of The World.

Well, my past five days have been quite enthralling! First, I was a passenger in an automobile accident last week. My friends' Benz was the last link in a three Tin-Lizzie like, chain pile-up. Luckily, by the time the middle car played bumper-car boogie with my buddies 1994 Mercedes, it was merely a low impact incident for us. The real loser was the driver at the core, as he got it in the front and rear, both figuratively and literally. Most important though, no one in any of the involved vehicles was injured. Mercedes Benz bumpers are pretty amazing as well, apart from a few scuffs it appears like nothing ever happened.

Later that week I went out to a local Latin club called QBA, inside the Westin Hotel Resort in downtown Kuala Lumpur. To my surprise it was one of my friends' birthday! He kept the event a closely guarded secret. Never mind though, now I can mark it on the calendar for next year! Hours of dancing, towers of beer and a piece of cake, that was my Friday!

Today I took the lift for a ride up and down the Petronas Towers and captured some really jaw-dropping views! 
(Trivia: The Petronas Towers were featured in the film Entrapment and they are the tallest twin towers in the world).    

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